Monday, 11 March 2013

Lake Kenyir 2013 - Unforgettable experience

It was my first trip with the NUS Aquathlon team to Lake Kenyir, in the state of Terranganu, Malaysia, for a triathlon race. The 10h bus trip was no joke and if I had the money, I would probably choose to fly there (like Baldwin & Chen Peng). Well, most of the time was spent sleeping, tired after a mad rush from the Edusports Opening (where we were supposed to slack around the infinity pool) to Eunos MRT. A rather interesting experience to watch all the loading of bikes - one day - I will get one too!

Lake Kenyir!!

Arrived the next day at Lake Kenyir Resort after the chilly bus ride..It was really beautiful and cooling but then again, the sun was merciless later in the afternoon. The whole day was spent indoors; most were playing card games and I was studying -__- Although I really wished they would do something more interesting like swim to the island (5k away like last year) but no :( We walked out to the race site though. Had the CARBO-LOADING dinner at night and was no kidding; full of carbs..hahas..too much richness already and I had to remind myself, I'm not doing the full tri, only a 1.6k swim and 11k easy run to pace Chun Hui, which is like any other training day - a serious mistake many weekend warriors make, eating more than what they would burnt, rendering whatever they do useless. Baldwin & CP came late at night but netter late than never & yea, they really brought much needed entertainment (mostly for me :P)

Race day came really quickly and we got up at 630 to get ready.Wasn't feeling as tense as I normally was for a run/aquathlon race but I was hoping to win something. Sadly, although Baldwin (the god) managed to chase down 4 teams, we only got 4th :( I felt like I might have let them down (not fully my fault but..) Well, it was a good experience but I'm not sure if I would wanna do that again..Maybe when I get a bike and have more income..hahahs..
Walking there

Us before the swim
Done with 1.6k swim!

Happy BIrthday JON!

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