Saturday, 24 November 2012

Travelling Solo..

I know its the exams period but now I'm back into the Taiwan pop scene because I fell in love with Rainie & Xiaozhu's newest collabo 再一次心跳; a promo video, if I'm not wrong for Tasmania (heart of the world - 世界的心脏)Great way to attract the Asian market actually and playing on the storyline to get people there. Ok I admit I fell in love with the actors/storyline more than the place but anyways, it's a good ploy :)

Travelling solo to an exotic place, meeting some mysterious stranger, falling in love...Sounds too common & clique but perhaps this idea has captivated me in such a way that perhaps thats why I love to travel. Travelling alone might be kind of lonely at times because there's no one to share that perfect breathtaking moment you find so hard to put in words to describe but it does allow you to selfishly take in all that beautiful experiences of being in a foreign country on your own and capture every sight, sound and vibe. Sounds really ironic but thats the beauty of travelling solo.

As for meeting that mysterious stranger that just grabs your attention (and your heart, too), did in a way experienced it once before, but I guess being together does not seem very possible. Like a short trip, thats how long it will last and its probably because of the travel as a liminal period (sociological perspective) where it kind of authorises people to go beyond their boundaries. Well, as an idealist, I do still hold on to the view that it might just happen..

Fallling in love... That memory was bittersweet but painful as well. Perhaps I hated myself for not cherishing that moment more and holding tight to it; if I could turn back time, I would. Perhaps I didn't make that big an impression, that's why the next morning, after a week, things changed..Sighs

So where do I go from now? Where should I go?

And, should one travel to seek love or seek love in travelling for its own sake? Its hard to separate the two...

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Reading Week Bores..

Second day of reading week..

Got back some of my essays and all but somehow I didn't do as well as I hoped and expected despite more effort put in :((

Sighhs..have to work harder for finals then.. Dec 3-6.. a whole mad rush

3 days later on the 9th, I'm flying to China for Winter Programme. Will be missing Gerald's wedding and all the training sessions with the aquathlon (ESPECIALLY) & cross team & also all the ihgs. So yea, its really a mix of feelings.

I am sooooo bored..used to study with all the cross girls - anne, tricia, siew, zak, caisang; sometimes justin but now, tricia finished her papers & I don't see zak & caisang :/ miss the first year where we studied overnight as MRB with patrick, ben, ee ghim..studying's only fun if u do so with people..and it makes it a little less painful & boring. and also last sem with william, chun meng & kristian..

I don't seem to have any one now..bleahs..

I'll be glad if there's someone who can make me laugh amidst this terribly boring period..

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Week 12

2 more weeks before the end of school .. don't know whether to be happy or not :O

2 more essays & 1 more presentation to go this week...argh.. somehow this sem's assessments have made me change my mind that I'd rather exams than any more essays..bleahs #essayoverload

Thank goodness the weather's good so far cos I'm really spending every night here at UTOWN. Need some MOTIVATION...

Anyways two events this week that will later update about:

1) Team NUS Awards Presentation
2) NUS Aquathlon Supersprint

Other interesting news:
1) Staying in Eusoff next sem
2) Going for Wuhan Winter Programme

Stay tuned!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Week 10 & counting to the end + Taylor Swift

Moving to the end of Week 10 and 3 more essays plus 1 more presentation to go before the exams..

In a way time moves sooo fast, sometimes you want it to but sometimes you'll wish it would just slow down.

Supposed to work on my essay now (yes on a public holiday I'm in school alone..thank God for the nice drizzle, hopefully it won't get too stuffy later) but I thought I should just pen down some random thoughts.

Today, we had training in the morning at 8am >.< freaking HOT so I didn't exactly do a proper workout I guess..but with an essay in mind, its never easy to do a mentally challenging set! Ok, I didn't know whether a bad dream was that bad to wake me up in time for training but I did not like that dream at all :((( a dream of betrayal & wonder I woke up :/ After training, Ryan suggested we go have brunch together; then we decided to have ice cream at Mr Bean. Goshhh..I feel so slack, wasting so much time and eating some not-very-healthy stuff too..don't know if its worth it for that amount of moments spent. Sometimes, I think that I'm soooo stupid, always never learning from all the past experiences that failed (5 to be exact). Its hard to stop being so calculative honestly speaking but I think it might just make a difference - case to make - I actually took off my watch to run today for 2 sets, and it did not feel that bad at all!

Next thing, I'm sooo not looking forward to after next week - after John's Powerman; gonna miss training with him and all the trips home on Wed/Thur for a while. Ok not a while but a longggg time :(( hope he'll be back before I leave for China..sighh..I'm so used to not being aloneeee in travelling..

Thirdly, I'm not a sucker for English pop songs but really, some are really great..have been listening to some Maroon5, Usher's Numb, some clubbing songs (something which I've missed!) and Taylor Swift!!

(Picture from Wiki)

Seriously, her songs echo certain thoughts in my mind..Sums up her new album:

"All the different emotions that are written about on this album are all pretty much about the kind of tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semi-toxic relationships that I’ve experienced in the last two years. All those emotions — spanning from intense love, intense frustration, jealousy, confusion, all of that — in my mind, all those emotions are red."

The songs do really bring out such emotions in me as well. Really nice to listen to especially on some emo-nights alone..

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


I'm writing once again.

Sorry that the posts seem all really depressing but this is really a period in which I see myself struggling with myself.

The only enemy is YOURSELF. Sounds cliche but very much true. This is a really painful and weary battle that I know I really can't fight alone because I have NO IDEA how to deal with myself.


My stupid competitive nature stands in contrast with the give-up cowardly attitude within myself & these two controversial sides had came into conflict so many times, especially this semester. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME.. :(

On one hand, I am really pissed with myself for losing out to so many people in today's beep test & the past few races I've been doing. On the other hand, in the midst of it, I seem to hold this defeatist attitude that just say "give up, you won't be able to catch up very much"

A solution please! D:

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Below Expectations...

Recently, I've been trying to keep up with trainings; increasing my intensity to 7 times a week, ignoring Mr Quek's motto of not overtraining in order to test my limits - motivated by the aquathlon people's practice of training for more than 7 sessions a week. I don't really know if my body can take or not but for now, I think its taking a toll on my speed - so I really don't know what should I exactly do. Should I just press on or not? By not racing well in today's NIKE race (first time I'm slower than Meihui & Tiff), unlike previous few NIKE races, as well as yesterday's Geylang Serai 4.3k (ONLY) it is really affected my confidence level in racing :(  Plus Meihui & Bee were like running at 42min+ when I was only doing a 46min?!?!

Am I really burning out? Or I just did not push hard enough during trainings and hence my lousy timings?? Next year; I really have to aim to do much better and fight back my top5.

To keep in mind John's words "We learn from our worst races, not the ones we win"

Wise words from my go-home buddy which really makes a lot of sense. I'm really thankful for him..always listening to my complaints and all, encouraging me & making me feel a lot better about myself :)

Maybe it would be good to set a simple off season goal for myself:

Swim 10k + Run 30k per week.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Quick Thoughts about Sermon

Decided to jot down some of my thoughts about Ps Daniel's sermon today - doesn't sound too promising but maybe I should think about it more.

He talked about 2 Kings-Azariah, today & commented about success and prosperity. Something that caught my attention was that he said that God might not grant you success and you might have to fight all your life because He knows your character well that you can't handle success.

I thought: is that why I've never tasted success before? Because God knows that I probably can't handle it? After all, God won't burden you with something He knows you can't handle.. :O

I really don't know if its a good or bad thing but the yearning for success; over the years have made me feel upset, bitter, miserable, envious before - so how is that actually for my own good?

I have no answers but should perhaps think about it.

The 3 awesome groups in my university life..

I just only thought of writing this after reading my friend, Jingzhi's FB note but his note was really rather inspiring in some sense, cynical, pessimistic yet optimistic at the same time. But it did say a lot, one more attaining IDOL STATUS to add to my IDOL LIST..hahahhahas

But it did make me think about the 3 most important group of people that really impacted me in NUS - and totally changed my life & taught me a lot. And I'm sure you've guessed it - the soccer girls (and to some extent the guys); the crossers and the aquathlon people. Maybe I should just go through them one at a time.


First group of people I've known in uni since I've joined it at the start of school. In TJC, I was considered pretty good in the sport but in uni, comparatively, I sucked (and I only realised in Yr 2, when all the pro-juniors came in)  Ok but basically this group of girls are fun to be with, sincere and friendly. Soccer was something I liked and I was thankful for a clique of good friends like Minli, Audrey, Emily, Yiting and also thankful for making it into the squad for 2years till my stamina isn't good enough to make up for my lack of speed :(

The guys, whom I knew only much better during BIG recently (before it was only a couple like Eepin, Kristian, Sam and Shaun Teo) taught me what was FUN. They were the craziest type of sportspeople I've ever known - maybe soccer people are notorious for that; tattoos, smoking, drinking and doing the craziest, funniest, stuff but well, maybe thats why I'm attracted to them. Yet, when they played, they gave their all, I could see that - probably the baddest gang but time spent with them were certainly memorable. :)


The group whom I know after the soccer people; made up of a bunch of talents as well - runners from secondary & junior college and some national superstars - but still thankful that I've got a good of close girlfriends - siewmin, zak, anne, meihui, tricia, caisang. And that I spent most of my 4 years here with this group of talented, fun and awesome friends. Although sometimes (mostly nowadays) I do wish that I had some real talent in running so that I will be able to do so much better because I realised that training hard, can only get you that far..and sometimes, that really makes me feel quite miserable & lousy :/ Well, I do question, so what if you did your best, there are people who didn't try hard and still win - though winning is not everything..

Maybe I'm not that happy here, after all ?

3. AQUATHLON people

I'm really thankful to know this bunch of awesome people. And actually I've got to thank Arasu for kicking me out of soccer so that I have the time and enough courage to join their trainings. Honestly, my first training with them - swim; was intimidating. I didn't really know what to expect; from myself, from trainings and the people - it was totally out of my comfort zone, since I sucked at swimming and wasn't entirely pro at running as well. Anyways, from this team, I started to know the craziest people on earth, seriously; I don't know how people can double/triple train everyday and still cope with school w/o ever seeing fatigue (not that their faces show) and juggle 3 disciplines and being good in all.

These are people who have taught me to ignore human and personal limits - and quoting JZ "overtrain for fun just to feel invincible", yet they have also shown a very human side to that; that injury was really possible. Maybe I haven't found enough time - and courage to overtrain to the point of injury (and I'm starting to believe that it would really make you improve). Maybe I will do that - someday; when I've lost the satisfaction of trying to win. I'm really humbled by their determination and motivations because most of the people from this group - unlike the first 2 - are NOT talented, at least not superbly; they just train HARD - for the adrenaline, for the joy of pain, for the happiness of completing insane distances. Honestly, I feel that perhaps, this is the group I look highly to. And something I would like to strive too..Lastly, I don't know if this is a downside or not, but they've also taught me how precious friends are, many being cyclists - I do worry A LOT for them - accidents DO happen (Justin, John, Sara, Eden...) Yet, the never-fear-never-say-die attitude can be seen throughout.  I really really <3 u guys

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Terrible Week (most likely..more to come)

Answer to my previous question:
Would a good-looking guy want to date a normal girl? Why? Is it even possible?

Totally impossibleeee....That only happens in Korean dramas. was really quite a bad week for me..Late essay submission though i started early(again! :O ).. skipped trainings..those i went were bad too..sighs..FML.

SUNIG Closing..once again, it's bad to have so much expectations..maybe its the programme itself that was bad, i dunno but i didn't manage to do all that I planned/wanted to do. Though this time, it was really cool that I didn't have to hang out with one group, it was also hard to be a social butterfly! Really wanted to take photos with some people but didn't managed to & WTF, a huge pimple was on my cheek D:

Mooncake Festival at Gardens By the Bay: Didn't go. Emo-ed the whole of yesterday away cos of midterms on Mon..sighs.. I STILL DUN HAVE A CHANCE TO VISIT THAT REALLY PRETTY PLACE!!!!! CAN SOMEONE BRING ME THERE PLEASEEEEE....

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines..When can i see the light at the end of the tunnel..The worst thing is that I feel like time is running up for me as an undergrad..there's still lotsa things I haven't done nor accomplished. Which I really feel very sad about..

Worst still, trainings are making me very discouraged because I don't see myself improving. Why don't I have some form of talent..that would make things a lot easier..

Please God give me strength (preferably some visible indication) to get through this whole thing :(

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Midterm Crisis :/

I'm not supposed to write this now considering I've got to submit an essay tomorrow morning and I'm not done yet!

But just a quick update for myself. Time REALLY FLIES. It's past recess week already so quickly and honestly, I'm kinda glad that for this sem, it has been quite happening (don't really know how else to describe it) for me - both in a positive & negative way.

For one, I'm not as fast as I used to be (maybe's the shoe). Sighs.

Another thing, my heart got broken like countless times. Double sighs. But in a way, it got mended as quickly as it broke. Like what the..

Deadlines are approaching..all together..

But I guess I would be looking forward to this week. Kind of. Cos of SUNIG closing ceremony. My last one. Yet, it would be the one which I have the most friends attending :D Hopefully, it would also be the most memorable one. Although I feel that I didn't contribute to the medal & probably don't deserve it (I know that everyone would say that its a team-thing & all your trainings do deserve some recognition - that would be what I choose to believe on the surface but DEEP DEEP DOWN IN MY HEART, I know that no matter how hard I train, my efforts don't really matter in reality). Oh wells.

Another thing, is the mooncake festival celebrations at Gardens By the Bay..Gosh I really love that place. NEXT SATURDAY :))))

Just a thought to myself, something to rethink about in time to come:
Would a good-looking guy want to date a normal girl? Why? Is it even possible?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A part of my heart, a part of TEAM NUS ..4 years of SUNIG memories :)

"Just do my best because this is my first SUNIG for Aquathlon.."

which was I was thinking when someone asked me what were my expectations for the race. And then, it hit me; that it was going to be my first, yet my last SUNIG for not only Aquathlon, but also, for Cross-country; most importantly, for NUS. Which also prompted me to write this reflection, not only for myself; but also for my teammates and friends, current and future, to encourage them to train hard and fight to make it into the team to represent the school.

I was never from a sports background in secondary school unlike some of my friends; and was only in an average sports team in JC because soccer was not an area my JC particularly paid attention to. I joined because it was fun and I could do with losing some weight, made good friends and had some fun experiences playing in the A'divisions, but it was only when I entered NUS and joined the NUS Soccer team that I learnt about the satisfaction of playing competitively, and what more, for an institution that really places pride on sports team identity.

Soon after I joined Soccer, I thought that perhaps running would be able to make me fitter in games, so I decided to try out the Cross Country team. With the soccer girls and Coach Arasu, I really had opportunities to play with many different teams and I would never forget the fun times we had in KL and Shah Alam. And definitely, the many trainings for SUNIG and Invitationals; all the goals to beat NTU, for whatever shortcomings I had, I was motivated to work hard to improve myself so as to better contribute to the team. Although I didn't make it into the team in Yr 3, I really want to thank all you girls for the awesome experiences I had - MIN LI (really enjoyed all the HTHT sessions ;) ), Jiayu (always disturb me, but I forgive u!), Yi Ting (the forever solid keeper), Kat, Azlin (thanks for always being so encouraging), Tixi (thanks for being my TH roomie!!), Pei Qi, Yan Bing, Sher, Audrey & Emily (Kpop buddies!), Pam, PRIS (my soci buddy :) ), Sarah Ng, Wen Ting, Yun Xiu, Ulrica, Angie, Sooks, Huixin, Jes, Jaslyn, Khai, Isty, Yin Hong, Candy...

Now, for Cross-country, which I only started at the end of Yr 1, it was another whole-new experience for me, who was never in competitive running. Learnt to like intervals (especially doing and complaining with Cai Sang ;) ) and also learnt that running was NOT only about running. Also had a chance to compete in my first overseas competition recently in Jarkarta BIG 2012 - which was really an awesome experience with all the friends I've made & a dream come true when I achieved a podium-finish. Made it into the SUNIG team in Yr 2 & 3, whereby we did really well in, and this sunday, I would be racing in my final SUNIG as vice captain, hopefully everything goes well... But what's also important is the friends I've made in the running circle because of cross, got to meet some of the superstars - Ruiyong, Huaqun, Renuka (i mean in a positive way!), Xinqi, who taught me that running was not only about talent and passion, sacrifices had to be made to be able to do really well. Yes, achieving a podium-finish may look easy, but I doubt anyone would know the number of hours and discipline put into perfecting the running style, improving the splits by seconds... And also the close friends that I would say, played a huge role in my uni social life - Siew Min, Anne, Zak, Tricia, Emain, Cai Sang, ShanQi, MEI HUI; I'm really missing the times we had together :)

Lastly, for Aquathlon, which I started only sometime last year, when I thought that I should fill in the void which soccer trainings used to occupy & also to improve my swim. Honestly, I've always thought that the Aquathlon team was really scary, seeing people training up to 3 times a day, and still doing well in every other thing. After spending almost a year with the team, I still think that its sick to train 2-3 times a day, 7days a week; but the team is not full of scary people, but friends who trained hard to push their limits and still knew how to have fun :) Besides just training, I also learnt how important team support was for the overall morale and performance of the team, which I had experienced in my first Aquathlon SUNIG at ECP (& sadly also my last :((( ). I really wish that I am able to contribute more to help the girls get back our gold next year SUNIG but the only thing I can offer is my continual presence at trainings to motivate and help the rest :) But I would really like to thank COACH DAVID for being such a motivating and supportive coach (taking photos during our race, offering words of encouragements during the trainings & races) & also the seniors, who constantly return to offer advice, motivation, support & your undying passion for the sport (Lemin, Jon Ma, Christine, Dex, Darren, JJ, Kevin, Yingliang, Gen, Jason) - I think the team really really appreciates you guys! Thanks also to my fellow Lane 9-ers (sorry coach, it really exists!): Debbie, William, ChunHui, John, Mathias, Nazri, Charis, Ken, Subra; let's use this "lane-identity" to spur each other on for training attendance & best-improvements (which I already see in like all of you..hahhahas).

This note might be really long but it really expresses my heartfelt thanks to all mentioned & the teams :)

Give your all, not for yourself but for all those around you.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

4 weeks into the sem & counting...

Perhaps just a short update this time with nothing much exciting to report for now..

4 weeks into the school semester and it feels like Week 8..don't know if its a good thing. Kinda sad that nothing much has happened.

Well, Grandma passed away recently, 1 Sept 2012. The thing is that I'm more guilty than sad because since I don't stay with her, I'm not that close compared to Mama. Seems like most of the stuff is duty-bound. But then again, I'm at peace that at least her sufferings are gone & she's alright in Heaven.

SUNIG season's here! Rather exciting period I must say. Although I got into the team for Aquathlon & Cross Country, I don't think I can contribute to the medal tally like Clara & Adriel does :( That makes me feel kinda useless; unlike being in the Soccer team, where as long as you play, you're doing something (unless you don't, thats the other issue). Quite excited to watch soccer too! Hopefully they'll do well & not walk away empty-handed too..

Playing IFG Soccer for the last time this Sat, 8 Sept. Hope it'll be a good game.

Got 2nd for RUN NUS (with Clara coming in first). It was a tough course but I was nowhere near Clara at all. Makes me feel like I'm quite lousy. When I was like dying at the last part, Clara still has bountiful energy to do strengthening exercises after the run. WTF. Am I old or because I don't have her talent :(

Monday, 13 August 2012

Start of Final Year in NUS - 2012 Aug

I never thought that I'll lose my zest for school & become like the other year 4 seniors in the past who shared that they were kinda jaded with school life..On the other hand, I don't want school to end & don't want to go out to work :( What can I do?

Anyways this sem for me would consist of the following goals:

1) Do well in all my mods (no more Daniel Goh, hopefully I would do better!)

2) Get into  SUNIG for cross & aquathlon & do well in both competitions

3) Try to get the hang of enjoying church more

4) Cross my fingers, hope God would bring me someone..hate to get my heart broken again (occured like 4 times last sem???)

5) Enjoy my 4th year

6) Lose some weight

Thats all..not a lot but hard to achieve..

Wishing myself a good 2 sems ahead.. *think positive*

Thursday, 12 July 2012

B.I.G. Jarkarta 2012 (6-12 July) :)

Just back from BIG trip (6-12Jul) today & it has been an AWESOMEEEEE trip.. :)

Basically it was my first overseas competition - although it is not exactly very competitive because BIG is only between 5 universities; which this time HKU was not even competiting, only Macau, Indonesia & Malaysia. Well, I was actually excited about this, as well as really nervous, because I trained hard for this & I would think that people would also have a certain expectation of me.
I was also quite excited because of a certain someone - though later I would say that my hopes were kinda dashed :' ( oh wells..

Was glad to be off from work (DREADS) for a week & actually enjoy myself before the school term starts once again. But boy, I had a quite a few events happening to me before the trip. I was initially supposed to go for my Tioman trip but because I went to A&E (my first time too) for an eye infection :(( , I missed my trip & was even very afraid that I would have to forego this as well. But really thank God my eye recovered before going there (although I was also afraid of it relapsing due to the common notion that Jarkarta's air sucks) & also thank Him for watching over me when I was there. I ended work on Thursday late & still went on for training that day before rushing home to pack my stuff & download BIG - a korean drama to watch on the way :O Ended up sleeping very little. The irritating thing about packing is the tiny fear that creeps up telling you that you might have forgotten something..and that kind of made me late the next day and I spent $15 on a cab to rush to the airport (because I took the wrong bus & panicked..what a klutz right?)

But once I reached the airport, things seemed different :) I think it's the magic of being in an airport, the thought of going away from Singapore and experiencing something else, which chased all the bad vibes away. Well, for this trip, I had Anne, Jia Rong & Yan Rui (a track girl), together with our NUS liaison officer, Jing Da. Just was a little sad that Anne had to leave early..

Let you hear a little secret, I was actually stealing glances at him & hoping that perhaps we would end up sitting together or something but alas, that only happens in korean dramas & not anytime soon, so I figured I probably have to be zhidongyidian & go over to say hi :/

Us on the plane (JR, Anne, JD, Yan Rui)
For Day 1, it was much filled with getting to know each other and also the surroundings. BY THE WAY, I was happy that we were allocated to the same bus as the soccer guys & Arasu :D but at that point in time, no one actually knew anything about my relationship with soccer, maybe except Arasu? hahas..but I guess I seem to have an affinity with soccer (which can be GOOD & BAD) sighs..The place we were staying was Wisma Makara, a student hostel located within the campus of Universitas Indonesia; with a countryside vibe to it. Reached there around 4plus after experiencing our first jam in Jarkarta. Well, I'm not that picky, as long as the toilets are clean (which they were!) so I was kinda satisfied. We went for really easy jog to explore the place before dinner :)
Morning view from my room at Wisma Makara

In the evening, there was a welcome ceremony & dinner for all the overseas participants, it was ok, the food was fine with interesting dessert...hehes. But I guess we were very much in our own cliques & comfortzones so it was rather awkward. Oh yes, I forgot to mention our Indonesian liaison officer, Mayfree Syari, who's really really friendly :) We were lucky to have her! hahas.. And after the dinner, we went over to Vincent's room where we all had sports massage by Vincent, the soccer physio. I thought it was nice of him to help us (especially Jiarong) although he was not in charge of us. Kristian & Anh was there too..Apparently, they are closer to Vincent so that kinda became their hangout spot..hahas. :) Honestly, though I know it's good to get a massage, I'm terribly afraid of pain; also because my calves are really tight -__- but yea, it's free and was worth the pain (ouch).

Next day, we all had to get up early for the opening ceremony at the basketball hall, somewhere near the heart of the university. It was overlooking a lake & it was actually quite a beautiful view, just that I felt it would be nicer without all the haze >.< hahas.. We took the bus with soccer (once again!) & I sat beside Anh (Alan). Was quite surprised to hear T-ara's latest hit "Day by Day" blasting from his headphones! And that there were some soccer guys who liked Kpop as well (up the coolness factor..LOLS)

 It was a long wait for the opening ceremony to start (sighs) but it was quite cool the way we walked in :D
After the ceremony was the bball guys' first match & we were supposed to watch. Well, it was okayy. Still prefer a soccer match over anything else hahahas..probably because I actually understand what was going on & could predict moves. Jiarong, on the other hand, was fixated. Not that I bother much anymore, he's just getting weirder ever since I've known him. We went back at around 1pm for the track technical meeting & I kinda wished maybe I shouldn't be the captain so that I don't have to "fight for our rights", especially when the officials' Engrish was utterly incomprehensible & that we had so many requests, but it was still rather interesting to have everyone look & listen to you. After the meeting I was actually in a rather bad mood. I had wanted to go to the track with the Malaysians (even though Jia Rong said it wasn't worth the time) but they didn't want to & the second thing was about Anne (it's always a love-hate relationship with her but she's still one of my bffs), that she seemed so nonchalent about her flight when everyone was like panicking for her. Luckily I was only pissed off for a while. That day, Jing Da's friend in Indonesia, Charles, sent over a car to bring us for R&R. I was damn nervous about the race so I think perhaps thats why I didn't enjoy so much (oh please, who goes R&R before a race??)

But then again, it was kinda fun seeing the city of Jarkarta (minus the jams -__-). We went to a mall to walk around & have dinner before heading back to the hostel. Oh yea, forgot to mention that it was then that Mr Tee Jia Rong dropped the bomb & said he knew about Kristian.:O And thereafter, it spread (through that guy's mouth) to the entire BIG organising committee. Oh well, it could happen both ways - something good or something bad. :O But the thing was I wasn't in control of the situation at all.

Day 3 = COMPETITION DAY. Like WTH, they made us wake up at 5am for breakfast but when we went down at 5.30am, they made us wait till 5.45am for breakfast. Thereafter, we had to wait for the bus (driver was late) which arrived at 6.15am. We only managed to reach the stadium at 7.15am. I almost had a panic attack - kept telling myself; "Ok, everyone's late with you so don't worry.." Warmed up for only 8-10min (inclusive of stretching) & started the race.

Me warming up

Luckily, it wasn't too painful before the race. Apparently, it was a boom & go thing. Round 1 I went slow & trailed Sarah Choong; who went at around 1:38 - wasn't slow actually. Round 2 I went even slower, widening the gap between me & Sarah but still close enough - 1:41. However, halfway through Round 3, I realised that both of us were slowing down - too much - that was when I decided to overtake Sarah; cautiously. Yet, I still feared that people 
would overtake me, after all there was still like 7.5 rounds. But my fears were unfounded & with God's help, I managed to keep the lead & got 1st :) Honestly, it was one of my happiest moment (although my timing was way off - 21:44, which they mistook as 22:39). The best thing is that IT WAS OVER!!!!!!! We can have fun already. Which we did. Yan Rui clinched 2nd for long jump & we went shopping at a shopping mall near the stadium after the morning competition.

Me running with Sarah Choong
I bought a pair of PUMA racers (which essentially wiped out half of my rupiahs, although it was kinda cheap) but I guess I should reward myself a little ;) After the little R&R, we went back to meet Anne & Jia Rong before their event. It was lucky that my event was in the morning or else the pre-race jitters would really drag.LOLS.. Sarah Choong came in 1st for 1500m while Anne came in 3rd. Then we were whisked to the airport so Anne could catch her flight. I really wanted to watch the other races though :( But apparently, Jia Rong did well & came in 3rd. As a captain, I was quite happy with all our results. And my responsibilities were kinda done. Yays :D

While Mayfree & I went back from the airport, Jia Rong, Jing Da & Yan Rui went to Grand Indo to eat. I didn't feel that lousy though - probably would binge-eat if I'm there & then again, I got to eat with Kristian & Vincent :) And that night, I went over quite late with JR for another massage ^^ Only Kris was there though.

Day 4: Went for morning run myself followed by swim. Jia Rong didnt want to run but I was glad I did because the POOL SUCKS. And it was nice seeing the guys train in the morning & have some me-time. After that, we kinda slacked the morning away bcos there wasn't much time to travel out before watching the soccer match. Basically, it was only our team comprising of me, JR, JD, Yan Rui supporting the soccer guys..hahas. But a small team is also a loud team, thanks to JD & Zhong Xian & the NUS sports officers.. :D Because of that people do actually know me & I got to borrow his iPad to watch shows.hehes.. At night after the game which they disappointedly lost :( we went out for some spicy seafood dinner with JD's godmum. It was ok only because maybe I was like binging D: drank avocado with chocolate & it was really not bad! Returned back after that to bring murtabak for Vincent & Kris, which I think they shared with the rest, including Eng Ping. Charis is so lucky to have such a nice & motivated bf ..sighhs. But it was nice talking to Kris. Reminded me of that day..

Arasu's team 1 singing national anthem

Day 5: Went for morning run as usual, this time further & that I realised the university is HUGE..After that we went to support Table Tennis (which was awfully boring & also I felt bad when Carmen actually thanked us for supporting :/ ) Was upset because we couldnt support the soccer match and was actually thinking about it most of the time when we went out. Although it was interesting to see stuff like the artist village & the kelong lunch & drink beer, it was okayyy only because it wasn't as interesting to keep my thoughts away. Oh well..But yea they did well. And they probably went out celebrating because it was the only day that I didn't see any of the soccer guys at all.

Beer Jug!!

Nice Seafood kelong view..good for a romantic date

Well..we did had some bumper-car fun at night. We went to some hari-raya expo fair which we had to pay for the entrance and walked around..Nothing much interesting happened except we re-lived our childhood days of bumper-car. $3 for 5min! What a rip-off. But then again, we did had 5min of fun..

Day 6: Went for a short run once again. After breakfast, it was like mass R&R. We went to Taman Mini, which was quite a disappointment. There was like nothing much there and it was rather hot & run-down. Actually it could have been fun if everyone was enthusiastic enough to take photos (like the Malaysian team) but like all pampered Singaporeans, they want to sit, eat, and adequate aircon. So it kinda made everyone quite depressing. I joined the BIG comm for 'lunch' (which was so gross that I didn't bother to sit & eat with them) & we played another round of bumper-cars. This time, 10min of pure fun. Sat with  JD & it was not bad..Really preferred guys being in charge.hahas.

Mayfree and I

After that we were supposed to have lunch at the Museum of Indonesia. I made a smart move by getting down the depressing bus & went in. Saw the soccer guys there :) And decided to go into the museum with Anh :) Through our little conversation, I did know him a little better. Which was a good thing. I'm kinda suffocated by our small group of JD, JR & Yan Rui. Not that they were that boring but it was getting boring seeing them like every day. Went to some mall after the musuem to shop for some snacks to bring home. JD was actually super sweet but offering to wait & push the trolley that I felt quite bad.

In the evening, we had the closing ceremony where we had to perform some lame Singapore Town song for our item. Was rather happy that the soccer guys were there too.. Then it was the prize giving ceremony. Honestly I was elated with my award :) And for the photos that were taken. With Anh & Kris especially..hahahs. But what totally changed my mood was that Kris started sticking with Sarah Choong. Really made my self-esteem DROP & affected the night :(

I don't know if he could tell I was seeking solace but he did treat me really well that night and it really made me feel a lot a lot better.

Day 7: Didn't run today because I was damn tired from sleeping at 4am.. But woke up feeling rather bittersweet. Seemed like a dream that I woke up from. Everything's back to normal though. No one was acting different (maybe the guys were kind of friendly & more helpful?) Anh was normal too..Kinda expected a little more from him. Kris was back to talking to Sarah :/ (that was the only thing that changed) So..I felt quite disappointed actually. Should I have expected something more? A nudge, a wink, a smile would suffice. I'm not even expecting something huge like sitting beside me on the bus or plane or a hand over the shoulder? I'm not too sure but I kinda felt him looking but nothing more... I'm feeling quite hurt because it felt like my heart's been played. But I still got to wait and see..

This trip's memories would forever be etched deep down in my heart :)
Video link:

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

What I've been doing so far...

Here's an update of what I've been doing & will be doing so I can keep track and update this. I'm trying to be very meticulous about this but I don't know how long I can keep this act up!

Firstly, I'm currently interning at NUS-ISS (which most people don't have an inkling about - me too, before I joined), during marketing of IT courses (on the side note; doing a lot of admin stuff as well as the marketing team is pathetically small). Dying of boredom at work & now suffering from conjunctivitis :((( The only good thing is that I can train in school but that's about all the benefits I can get? hahas.

Before I started my internship, I went for NUS-Summit 2012. This is the 2nd one I've been too and it's a whole lot more fun; because of my group, which has Barbs & Yew Wee and also that I've made new friends from other groups as well. Once again, I didn't get into the group I was eyeing but oh well, it's ok. My group wasn't too bad. Just that it's a little sad that we don't even talk, much less meet up after the camp. Enjoyed the activities a whole lot better than the previous time & I didn't have to sleep in the treehouse (which everyone envied again - nice to look but sucks to stay in).

This holiday is mostly focused on training for BIG - 5km event. I'm excited for the trip but kinda dreading the race. Everyone says it's just for fun but now I'm really panicking because of my off-week which I didn't hit my timings & worse still, I have to put training on hold because of my EYE :((((((  Much as I want to improve my timings, can the process be not so painful?? Sighs..

Next, I've started playing soccer AGAIN! Technically I'm not allowed to since it disrupts my trainings but I'm having so much funnn..I've been scoring rather often too, and what's more, I'm playing with guys. Hehes..Might have to stop when school starts but oh wells, it's a good substitute to being alone on saturdays when I should be cherishing my saturdays by going out. Biking has kinda robbed me of a training partner at Sentosa; a place which I love training at (minus the $3 entry fee) & people whom I would like to run with aren't free also so might as well play soccer.

Update #1: I'm going TIOMAN this weekend ($200 just flew away but oh well!)

Update #2: BIG is the following Friday O.O

Update #3: Pocari Sweat Run 5k the following Sunday

Update #4: Cross Chalet 21-23 Jul, following that would be Matric Fair (which I wish I could go..maybe I'd meet more new friends)

Thereafter, school would be starting soon. Time really flies!

Sunday, 24 June 2012


I just decided to start blogging for the fun of store memories (which is what I named this blog to be; be it good ones & bad ones)..After all, memories are what shapes a person's life experiences.

And since I am at work with nothign much to do, I thought, why not start? Blogging might be a little narcissistic but at least when I die, therre would be something left in this world with my name stamped on it (that is, if I continue blogging till then). Hahahas..

I'm planning to add photos and all to this; pretty things are meant to be shared.

And since I've a painful eye while writing this, I shall keep it short. Will continue this another day i hope!