Sunday, 21 October 2012

Below Expectations...

Recently, I've been trying to keep up with trainings; increasing my intensity to 7 times a week, ignoring Mr Quek's motto of not overtraining in order to test my limits - motivated by the aquathlon people's practice of training for more than 7 sessions a week. I don't really know if my body can take or not but for now, I think its taking a toll on my speed - so I really don't know what should I exactly do. Should I just press on or not? By not racing well in today's NIKE race (first time I'm slower than Meihui & Tiff), unlike previous few NIKE races, as well as yesterday's Geylang Serai 4.3k (ONLY) it is really affected my confidence level in racing :(  Plus Meihui & Bee were like running at 42min+ when I was only doing a 46min?!?!

Am I really burning out? Or I just did not push hard enough during trainings and hence my lousy timings?? Next year; I really have to aim to do much better and fight back my top5.

To keep in mind John's words "We learn from our worst races, not the ones we win"

Wise words from my go-home buddy which really makes a lot of sense. I'm really thankful for him..always listening to my complaints and all, encouraging me & making me feel a lot better about myself :)

Maybe it would be good to set a simple off season goal for myself:

Swim 10k + Run 30k per week.

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