Sunday, 14 October 2012

The 3 awesome groups in my university life..

I just only thought of writing this after reading my friend, Jingzhi's FB note but his note was really rather inspiring in some sense, cynical, pessimistic yet optimistic at the same time. But it did say a lot, one more attaining IDOL STATUS to add to my IDOL LIST..hahahhahas

But it did make me think about the 3 most important group of people that really impacted me in NUS - and totally changed my life & taught me a lot. And I'm sure you've guessed it - the soccer girls (and to some extent the guys); the crossers and the aquathlon people. Maybe I should just go through them one at a time.


First group of people I've known in uni since I've joined it at the start of school. In TJC, I was considered pretty good in the sport but in uni, comparatively, I sucked (and I only realised in Yr 2, when all the pro-juniors came in)  Ok but basically this group of girls are fun to be with, sincere and friendly. Soccer was something I liked and I was thankful for a clique of good friends like Minli, Audrey, Emily, Yiting and also thankful for making it into the squad for 2years till my stamina isn't good enough to make up for my lack of speed :(

The guys, whom I knew only much better during BIG recently (before it was only a couple like Eepin, Kristian, Sam and Shaun Teo) taught me what was FUN. They were the craziest type of sportspeople I've ever known - maybe soccer people are notorious for that; tattoos, smoking, drinking and doing the craziest, funniest, stuff but well, maybe thats why I'm attracted to them. Yet, when they played, they gave their all, I could see that - probably the baddest gang but time spent with them were certainly memorable. :)


The group whom I know after the soccer people; made up of a bunch of talents as well - runners from secondary & junior college and some national superstars - but still thankful that I've got a good of close girlfriends - siewmin, zak, anne, meihui, tricia, caisang. And that I spent most of my 4 years here with this group of talented, fun and awesome friends. Although sometimes (mostly nowadays) I do wish that I had some real talent in running so that I will be able to do so much better because I realised that training hard, can only get you that far..and sometimes, that really makes me feel quite miserable & lousy :/ Well, I do question, so what if you did your best, there are people who didn't try hard and still win - though winning is not everything..

Maybe I'm not that happy here, after all ?

3. AQUATHLON people

I'm really thankful to know this bunch of awesome people. And actually I've got to thank Arasu for kicking me out of soccer so that I have the time and enough courage to join their trainings. Honestly, my first training with them - swim; was intimidating. I didn't really know what to expect; from myself, from trainings and the people - it was totally out of my comfort zone, since I sucked at swimming and wasn't entirely pro at running as well. Anyways, from this team, I started to know the craziest people on earth, seriously; I don't know how people can double/triple train everyday and still cope with school w/o ever seeing fatigue (not that their faces show) and juggle 3 disciplines and being good in all.

These are people who have taught me to ignore human and personal limits - and quoting JZ "overtrain for fun just to feel invincible", yet they have also shown a very human side to that; that injury was really possible. Maybe I haven't found enough time - and courage to overtrain to the point of injury (and I'm starting to believe that it would really make you improve). Maybe I will do that - someday; when I've lost the satisfaction of trying to win. I'm really humbled by their determination and motivations because most of the people from this group - unlike the first 2 - are NOT talented, at least not superbly; they just train HARD - for the adrenaline, for the joy of pain, for the happiness of completing insane distances. Honestly, I feel that perhaps, this is the group I look highly to. And something I would like to strive too..Lastly, I don't know if this is a downside or not, but they've also taught me how precious friends are, many being cyclists - I do worry A LOT for them - accidents DO happen (Justin, John, Sara, Eden...) Yet, the never-fear-never-say-die attitude can be seen throughout.  I really really <3 u guys

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